terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012


Em 1925, instituiu-se o 13 de dezembro como o Dia do Marinheiro, homenageando o Almirante Joaquim Marques Lisboa em seu aniversário de nascimento e transformando-o em Patrono da Marinha. Assim, nessa data, somos envolvidos por uma brisa de inspiração, trazida pelo sentimento de profunda reverência por um patriota que, com destemor, disciplina, ética, lealdade e desprendimento, dedicou a sua vida à Instituição e é um modelo para os homens e mulheres que a compõem. Nascido em 1807, na cidade de Rio Grande, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entrou para a Marinha aos quinze anos de idade, logo após a Independência, quando a recém criada Esquadra Imperial teve proeminente papel na expulsão das tropas fiéis às Cortes de Lisboa, fator relevante para a integração da Nação. Na Campanha da Cisplatina, ficou conhecido por seus atos de bravura, distinguindo-se pela coragem e cavalheirismo. ---------------------- In 1925, was instituted on December 13 as the Day of the Sailor, honoring Admiral Joaquim Marques Lisboa on his birth anniversary and turning it into Patron Navy. So, on that date, we are surrounded by a breeze of inspiration brought on by feelings of profound reverence for a patriot who, with fearlessness, discipline, ethics, loyalty and selflessness, dedicated his life to the institution and is a model for men and women that compose it. Born in 1807 in the city of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, joined the Navy at the age of fifteen, shortly after independence, when the newly formed Imperial Fleet had a prominent role in the expulsion of the troops loyal to Cortes of Lisbon , a relevant factor for the integration of the nation. In Campaign Cisplatin, was known for his acts of bravery, distinguished by courage and chivalry. In 1925, was instituted on December 13 as the Day of the Sailor, honoring Admiral Joaquim Marques Lisboa on his birth anniversary and turning it into Patron Navy. So, on that date, we are surrounded by a breeze of inspiration brought on by feelings of profound reverence for a patriot who, with fearlessness, discipline, ethics, loyalty and selflessness, dedicated his life to the institution and is a model for men and women that compose it. Born in 1807 in the city of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, joined the Navy at the age of fifteen, shortly after independence, when the newly formed Imperial Fleet had a prominent role in the expulsion of the troops loyal to Cortes of Lisbon , a relevant factor for the integration of the nation. In Campaign Cisplatin, was known for his acts of bravery, distinguished by courage and chivalry.

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Bons Tempos

Semana da ASA em 1978 comemoração ao dia do aviador em 23 de Outubro de 1978 Base Aérea de São Paulo SP BASP